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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Okay, I'm not going to lie. I'm so, so, tired.  Ha-ha. Which makes no sense does it? Because I'm only a freshman and I "shouldn't have any problems." And well, I don't. Well, at least I think I don't. But again, I'm really tired. I'm tired of all the pressure and all the unnecessary drama the world seems to make. I'm tired of trying to avoid things that can't be avoided. I'm tired of so many things right now. 
I'm melodramatic, I know.

But you know what? This blog post isn't for my rants about being tired, this post, is for me trying to solve it. And I'm hoping that this will help some of you. Because, people need to understand that things are never ever going to get better if they don't do anything about it. Please, "man-up", as they say. Okay, Sam, what can you do to fix this? I ask myself this question every-time I'm stuck. 
Stay inspired, look for the right motivation, it will all pay off some day. Isn't that right enough? 
It sounds easy enough, but is it? It depends on the person. I'm making it easier for everyone, and myself. Just live by those rules, really. But I really stress on the motivation part, I find that being motivated makes everything so much better. So please, find something to motivate you, you can find it in the simplest things.

Do you understand?  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Creature Feature: Nina Pineda / Oh For Fox Sake

See that really pretty girl right there? She runs the blog Oh For Fox Sake, and she's pretty much perfect. 
How many times in your life do you encounter a fourteen-year-old entrepreneur? Not many times. 
I 'found' Nina about two years ago. And she's one of the main reasons of why I started this blog in the first place. I remember continuously getting inspired by her and her posts. She really just gives off this aura.
Nina really truly is an amazing human being, I don't know how she manages to write such amazing blog posts, take such wonderful photos and do everything else she does. We were never really close, but I've been able to talk to her a few times before and she's just really nice. (And sassy which I find hilarious, though.)

I know that I'm not the only person she's inspired, she's inspired a lot of people so far, and God-knows that she's going to inspire so many more. She's accomplished so much, yet, she's only fourteen, makes you re-evaluate your life, no? I've heard that she's going through a not-so-smooth time right now, but I pray that she get's through it, and I know she will somehow. 
Also, she was practically the person who introduced Birdy to a lot of us Filipinos. And though I originally found her through the 1DPH page, her blog remains to be one of my favorites. (Her outfit posts are just really really nice, as well.)

That's all I can really manage to say about her without sounding like "asdfghjkjaskd." I wish her all the best, and I'm sure, really sure, that she's going to really far.

All photos belong to her. Her shop: Indiestructable 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Blogging Adventure

Yesterday was undeniably productive. My friends and I went to my house and had our "first blogger shoot." Hence, the candid-looking photos. We all went to a park and just started randomly taking pictures. So yeah, I guess you could consider this as my first outfit post. I'm literally in-love with the docs I'm wearing, they're just too pretty. 

 And these people right below were the special people I shared the day with, (plus Lia who sadly doesn't have a blog...yet.) I've already featured the oh-so-adorable Alexa and cutie Christina. I have yet to feature  my fellow Bronicorn Jabs (aka Julia) she obviously also has a blog so I'd really appreciate it if you check her's out as well. The day really was just fantastic and I love every minute of it. We all just did these weird cute things through-out the day like make scratch art and order Mcdonalds. It was the kind of day where you'd write down the happenings on a piece of paper and keep it in a jar. 

The wonderful people I shared the day with.

Alexa, Jabs, Christina, Lia and a Unicorn.
 I'm really hoping that I'll have more days like this, I don't know, I guess, It's sort of my motivation to get through the year. P.S. We really reaalllyy didn't feel comfortable wearing these outfits out.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Greenery / July 1st.

"This very moment, is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grows."

Watercolor Typographies

A title of an Owl City song.
Quote from Every Soul A Star. This typo is really ugly though.

One of the very many few things I love to do when I'm bored is to paint. I just really love the whole look or as I like to call it, feel of watercolor. Everything is just so pretty. Everyone should try it one time, it's simple but beautiful at the same time. 

Also, I was wondering, should I change my header to this?

P.S. I added an About Me page. Check it out when you have the time.