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Monday, August 20, 2012

A letter to myself 15 years from now.

Dear Sam, Okay so 15 years from now I hope people still call you (or me) Sam, or Sammy at least.
I've been thinking A-LOT in the shower and I was wondering how life would be like 15 years from now.
And I started thinking that 15 years from now I'd be looking back at all of this (and how embarrassing I am.)
So I just thought that I should write a letter to you (OR ME.) Right now I really don't know what job I will have but God knows I'd just want to stay home glued to the computer screen. Plus I love performing. Maybe I'd just have an office job ('crossies' that I enjoy it) that pays well, but man, If I don't enjoy my job, whats the point in doing it? SERIOUSLY IF I DON'T GET A JOB THAT I ENJOY OR PAYS WELL I ENCOURAGE YOU TO FIND ANOTHER JOB. But oh well, as I said, I really have no idea what job i'm going to have. Well right now if you want to know what point in time I am writing this, I am turning thirteen in two months and Ben passed away recently. I hope you remember Ben-- the dog. And in this point of time this Sam is overly-dramatic in some ways and tends to be emotionally unstable when it comes to fictional characters and music. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, my favorite color right now is Purple and I'd like it to stay that way. Although I'm fond of navy blue and mint green. You know, I just realized that there is a possibility that you won't even read this. You know, me being my forgetful-self, And I would've just wasted this post. I really hope you read this.