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Monday, December 2, 2013

Oh hey, it's December.

To put it into simple terms, I'm back.
Sadly, the reason for my so-called blog disappearance isn't as simple as two words put into a sentence. I've been on highs and lows of inspiration lately and as productive as it can get me to be, it has it's negative effects.

Frankly, I'm not quite happy. Not that something's making me sad or anything. I'm just not.
If I could explain it, I would. But I can't, and I'd rather not plague other people with my problems, so I don't talk about it. It's common courtesy isn't it? Basically, I read a book, listen to music, and shut the world out. Until I decide that I'm okay, obviously. But the world has weird ways of getting me to participate in life.

But hey, at least I put all that I've been feeling into good use.
I've been writing, painting, etc. quite a lot recently. Creating things, actually. I'm thinking of actually sharing some of it soon. Starting with a very short story I wrote.
Also, I owe quite a lot of blog posts regarding things that occurred for the past two months. Which, by the way, is a 'eck lot.

Lastly, it's the Christmas season, if you don't know (which you probably don't.) It's my favorite time of the year, I love Christmas music, food, decor, movies, etc. I LOVE CHRISTMAS. So expect Christmas posts from me being thrown at your way. Have a happy December, please.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Journal Project

Even when I was young, I've always been scribbling down random thoughts and doodles into notebooks. And I guess that it's hobby of mine that I've carried on until now. Journal-ing is just a term I made-up that I like to call what I do.

Here are pages from the journal I currently have, and am working on. 

If I ever let you go through my journal, this is the first thing you'll probably see.


Never finished it haha.

It's really just a random sketch of a fountain.
Letter's from Japan and England!

Occasional watercolor typographies, in it.
Obviously, most of the "art" in it are unfinished, due to the fact that I tend to get unmotivated to finish doodles all the time. I basically write down my thoughts, doodle and write in this. And I put a lot of memorabilia (aka candy wrappers, tags and the like) in it. And well I didn't really want to post the thoughts/written work things in here, so...maybe some other time. 
Another thing I like to do with journals are list down random observations, odd, I know. But I'm telling you, most of my journals consist 40% of that.

How to start a journal project?
1) Find a notebook, and this is going to sound spiritually weird...but make sure it feels right.
2) Create a theme for it, or something. (E.g. mine is a "universal" journal)
3) Get started. Draw, write, etc.
4) Keep it interesting and pretty. (I put Oragami paper in some of my pages)
5) Don't forget about it. (I think I can say that this's my biggest problem)

Sam's Infinite Playlist: Sleepy September

Well, well. It's September. SEPTEMBER. A month before my birthday, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaked out by it. It's my last month as a thirteen year old, wow. No more singing along to Thirteen the musical for me (okay fine, I still will, but you get the point.)
I'm just glad I survived August, honestly, with the rain and all. August was honestly such a productive month, but if August was productive, September is just going to be down-right busy. 

To get to the point of this post though, here's my September playlist. It's pretty sad, again. I don't even know why but oh well. And, it ended up becoming a sleep playlist. The title of this playlist reminded me so much of a certain Green Day song. (Yes, Wake Me Up When September Ends) that I was this close to adding it to the playlist, but it just didn't really fit the vibe of the whole thing.

1) Woodland - The Paper Kites
2) Stubborn Love - The Lumineers
3) Holocene - Bon Iver
4) Asleep - The Smiths
5) Down to Your Soul - Right Away, Great Captain!
6) Dirty Paws - Of Monsters and Men
7) The Mast - Feist (I spelled it wrong in the picture oops)
8) Overjoyed - Bastille
9) Savannah - Relient K
10) Slowdancing In a Burning Room - John Mayer
11) Language Is Over - Little Comets (This was also in my August mix)

Oh, and I have two posts rotting in my drafts which I am planning on posting soon, and for a hint, one is journal-related. And lastly, if you have an 8tracks account please do link it to me, I love listening to other people's mixes.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Award: Liebster Award

Two days ago, I was nominated for the "Liebster Award" by the sweet Gia from "Okay, Gia."
I was honestly down-right flattered that she had nominated me, her blog is just wonderful. This was a nice surprise as this is the first reward I've received for my blog.

What is your all-time favourite song?
All time? Gee, this is a pretty hard question, but I've always loved Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley.

What are your top 3 pick-me-up songs?

1. Better When We're Together - Jack Johnson

2. The Bird And The Worm - Owl City

3. Three Little Birds - Bob Marley

(While I was looking through my iPod for my fav pick-me-up songs, I realized how much of a sadist I am oh man.)

What's your ultimate comfort food?
Mcdonald's. Period.

Talk about the best dream you ever had. 
One time, two days after I finished reading "Anna and the French Kiss" I had a dream that I went to Paris and it was such a pretty dream. I went to a lot of places in the book and I remember going to a bay-side thing. I don't remember much of the dream anymore, though.

What's your most fondest memory?
We have a house in Baguio because my mom grew up there and I remember this one time my whole family and my cousins went up, and during the night we lit the fire place inside the house and lit a bonfire outside and we just watched the stars  which are always seen so clearly in Baguio and talked and made 'Smores' and melted marshmallows and it was such a cold night which made it even better.

What do you normally do on a rainy day?
I really, dearly, immensely love rainy days. Usually, I watch a movie and drink some tea. If not, I play the piano or listen to music.

What's usually the first thing you think of when you wake up?
"I'm hungry." (And I pray of course.)

What's your computer's wallpaper?
.......This only shows how big a geek I am.

Name one thing you're thankful for today.
The amazing Mcdonald's delivery guy.

What are you thinking of at this exact moment?
I'm currently writing letters to people. So, "What can I say to make them happy?"

I nominate:

My questions:
1) What is your favorite day of the week and why?
2) Describe your music taste.
3) Favorite breakfast food?
4) Books or Movies? Why?
5) Rainy or Hot days?
6) Give three songs you love but would be too embarrassed to sing?
7) Describe your 7th birthday.
8) Describe your favorite Christmas day.
9) Any memories you know you'd never forget? Why?
10) Describe what you're feeling right now with a book title.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sam's Infinite Playlist: August-us Waters & Post

I feel absolutely guilty writing this. I haven't posted anything new in almost a month, and right after I promised I'd starting to post more, too. And no, I'm not going to think of an excuse as to why, it's really just what it is.
But hey, it's August, maaan, I'm going to be fourteen two months from now, ew. Obviously, I'm not looking forward to turning fourteen. And, there's been so much that happened since my last post, so much. 
But since my last post, I have met such an amazing family, "what a family, this family." They're my
 "CUE Family" and wow, they're all just such cool people, I don't know.

Link to Listen to the Playlist on 8tracks.
1. Raincoat Song - The Decemberisists 
2. Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford & Sons
3. Keep Pushing Me - Gabrielle Aplin
4. What A Pity - Right Away, Great Captain!
5. Language Is Over - Little Comets
6. Charlie Boy - The Lumineers
7. Hello Mr. Sun - Joe Brooks

The songs in the playlist are pretty calm, they're just songs I've been listening to since it's been raining recently, after all, rain and good music go well together. And yes, I've been waiting to use the August-us pun for the longest time.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Okay, I'm not going to lie. I'm so, so, tired.  Ha-ha. Which makes no sense does it? Because I'm only a freshman and I "shouldn't have any problems." And well, I don't. Well, at least I think I don't. But again, I'm really tired. I'm tired of all the pressure and all the unnecessary drama the world seems to make. I'm tired of trying to avoid things that can't be avoided. I'm tired of so many things right now. 
I'm melodramatic, I know.

But you know what? This blog post isn't for my rants about being tired, this post, is for me trying to solve it. And I'm hoping that this will help some of you. Because, people need to understand that things are never ever going to get better if they don't do anything about it. Please, "man-up", as they say. Okay, Sam, what can you do to fix this? I ask myself this question every-time I'm stuck. 
Stay inspired, look for the right motivation, it will all pay off some day. Isn't that right enough? 
It sounds easy enough, but is it? It depends on the person. I'm making it easier for everyone, and myself. Just live by those rules, really. But I really stress on the motivation part, I find that being motivated makes everything so much better. So please, find something to motivate you, you can find it in the simplest things.

Do you understand?  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Creature Feature: Nina Pineda / Oh For Fox Sake

See that really pretty girl right there? She runs the blog Oh For Fox Sake, and she's pretty much perfect. 
How many times in your life do you encounter a fourteen-year-old entrepreneur? Not many times. 
I 'found' Nina about two years ago. And she's one of the main reasons of why I started this blog in the first place. I remember continuously getting inspired by her and her posts. She really just gives off this aura.
Nina really truly is an amazing human being, I don't know how she manages to write such amazing blog posts, take such wonderful photos and do everything else she does. We were never really close, but I've been able to talk to her a few times before and she's just really nice. (And sassy which I find hilarious, though.)

I know that I'm not the only person she's inspired, she's inspired a lot of people so far, and God-knows that she's going to inspire so many more. She's accomplished so much, yet, she's only fourteen, makes you re-evaluate your life, no? I've heard that she's going through a not-so-smooth time right now, but I pray that she get's through it, and I know she will somehow. 
Also, she was practically the person who introduced Birdy to a lot of us Filipinos. And though I originally found her through the 1DPH page, her blog remains to be one of my favorites. (Her outfit posts are just really really nice, as well.)

That's all I can really manage to say about her without sounding like "asdfghjkjaskd." I wish her all the best, and I'm sure, really sure, that she's going to really far.

All photos belong to her. Her shop: Indiestructable 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Blogging Adventure

Yesterday was undeniably productive. My friends and I went to my house and had our "first blogger shoot." Hence, the candid-looking photos. We all went to a park and just started randomly taking pictures. So yeah, I guess you could consider this as my first outfit post. I'm literally in-love with the docs I'm wearing, they're just too pretty. 

 And these people right below were the special people I shared the day with, (plus Lia who sadly doesn't have a blog...yet.) I've already featured the oh-so-adorable Alexa and cutie Christina. I have yet to feature  my fellow Bronicorn Jabs (aka Julia) she obviously also has a blog so I'd really appreciate it if you check her's out as well. The day really was just fantastic and I love every minute of it. We all just did these weird cute things through-out the day like make scratch art and order Mcdonalds. It was the kind of day where you'd write down the happenings on a piece of paper and keep it in a jar. 

The wonderful people I shared the day with.

Alexa, Jabs, Christina, Lia and a Unicorn.
 I'm really hoping that I'll have more days like this, I don't know, I guess, It's sort of my motivation to get through the year. P.S. We really reaalllyy didn't feel comfortable wearing these outfits out.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Greenery / July 1st.

"This very moment, is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grows."

Watercolor Typographies

A title of an Owl City song.
Quote from Every Soul A Star. This typo is really ugly though.

One of the very many few things I love to do when I'm bored is to paint. I just really love the whole look or as I like to call it, feel of watercolor. Everything is just so pretty. Everyone should try it one time, it's simple but beautiful at the same time. 

Also, I was wondering, should I change my header to this?

P.S. I added an About Me page. Check it out when you have the time. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Creature Feature: Christina Cawad

As I promised her, this is a creature feature about my fellow zombie apocalypse survivor, Christina Cawad. She's ridiculously multi-talented, it's almost unfair. Her voice is A++. Besides being that talented, she's really SMART. And I'm pretty sure that her intelligence shows in her blog post's.
She runs the blog heyhochristina, I really like it, so I hope you like it to. And not to mention, she makes greaaattt playlist's. This girl has one of the best music tastes, ever. She mainly likes to write updates about her life and playlists and such. Another thing I like about her, is the fact that she's into fandoms, and yes, I mean Doctor Who, Sherlock, Game Of Thrones and Hannibal.

Those were a few instant photos we took just awhile ago while we were having our The Last Of Us (the video-game) marathon with our friend Quiqui.
I hope you all can take the time to read her blog and follow her, I promise you, you won't regret it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Books: Books people should read.

1. Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher
"Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a strange package with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate and crush - who committed suicide two weeks earlier. Hannah's voice tells him that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out why. Clay spends the night crisscrossing his town with Hannah as his guide. He becomes a firsthand witness to Hannah's pain, and learns the truth about himself-a truth he never wanted to face." 

This book simply just gave me chills, the whole plot was amazing. Although quite depressing, Hannah's tapes were filled with personalized meaningful messages dedicated to a person each tape, who are the "reasons why." The whole book was literally Hannah's notes. I recommend this book for everyone, really. Another thing I like about the novel is that they give you links so that you can also hear the tapes for yourself, which really adds to the over-all experience.

2.Every Soul A Star - Wendy Mass
And as streams of light fan out behind the darkened sun like the wings of a butterfly, I realize that I never saw real beauty until now.At Moon Shadow, an isolated campground, thousands have gathered to catch a glimpse of a rare and extraordinary total eclipse of the sun. It's also were three lives are about to be changed forever:

Ally likes the simple things in life--labyrinths, star-gazing, and comet-hunting. Her home, the Moon Shadow campground, is a part of who she is, and she refuses to imagine it any other way.
Popular and gorgeous (everybody says so), Bree is a future homecoming queen for sure. Bree wears her beauty like a suit of armor. But what is she trying to hide?
Overweight and awkward, jack is used to spending a lot of time alone. But when opportunity knocks, he finds himself in situations he never would have imagined and making friends in the most unexpected situations.
Told from three distinct voices and perspectives, Wendy Mass weaves an intricate and compelling story about strangers coming together, unlikely friendships, and finding one's place in the universe.

This book is just really, really, under-rated. I remember when I read this book, it felt like I was being transported to Moon Shadow (the campground in the book.) I myself have this weird fetish for astronomy-related things, so I loved it. I also enjoyed reading through all three perspectives, I adored Ally, especially. I think we'd all like to be someone who doesn't care about what other people think, and Ally is a pure perfect example of that. I spent a few nights after I finished the book still in their world and my imagination just went wild, reading it.

3. Anna and the French Kiss -Stephanie Perkins
Anna can't wait for her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a good job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. So she's not too thrilled when her father unexpectedly ships her off to boarding school in Paris - until she meets Etienne St. Clair, the perfect boy. The only problem? He's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her crush back home. Will a year of romantic near-misses end in the French kiss Anna awaits?

Okay, yes, I think we can all admit that the synopsis (provided by Amazon, excuse you.) was just--Cheesy. But I honest-to-goodness promise you, that the book was just friggin AMAZING. It is my favorite book, after all. Or well, at least the romantic-in-me's favorite. It really just gave you the feeling that you actually were in Paris. I think I would've locked myself in the room for 10 days straight just thinking about the book and reading it. If you already love Paris, you'll love it even more, I'm just saying. Besides the fact that the setting was perfect, the characters are even more perfect. Anna Oliphant, I adore her, a lot. But I'm just gonna say, ETIENNE ST. CLAIR. ETIENNE FREAKING ST.CLAIR, I just love that American French English boy masterpiece. Not the typical Gary-Sue you see in most books. Please read the book, make yourself happy and laugh a bit.
4. Ms.Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs
A mysterious island.

 An abandoned orphanage.

 A strange collection of very curious photographs.

 It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive. 

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.

First, I love the fact that the photography came together with the story, how many books can you find like it? Not many. And I know, I know, the book might seem or in this case--look a bit creepy, and well, if you get creeped out easily it may seem creepy when you read it. But I really like this book, and it's not as creepy as the cover suggests. It's as dark as you think, either. Peculiar really is the perfect word to describe the characters in the book, not many like it. Just like how there isn't many of these kinds of books. And if you have the time, you should check this video out.

5. Flipped - Wendelin Van Draanen
The first time she saw him, she flipped. The first time he saw her, he ran. That was the second grade, but not much has changed by the seventh. She says: “My Bryce. Still walking around with my first kiss.” He says: “It’s been six years of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.” But in the eighth grade everything gets turned upside down. And just as he’s thinking there’s more to her than meets the eye, she’s thinking that he’s not quite all he seemed.This is a classic romantic comedy of errors told in alternating chapters by two fresh, funny new voices. Wendelin Van Draanen is at her best here with a knockout cast of quirky characters and a hilarious series of misunderstandings and missed opportunities. But underlying the humor are two teens in transition. They are each learning to look beyond the surface of people, both figuring out who they are, who they want to be, and who they want to be with.

This book. This book. This really incredibly adorable book. I promise you, it isn't the typical girl-meets-guy-and-falls-in-love kind of book, this is different. Pure, innocent, childhood love, was what Julie and Bryce had. And I think that our world needs more of pure and innocent. This book also changed how I view the world, I've learnt to enjoy it more, just like how Julie learned to enjoy the view. But I also want to say that, I felt second-hand embarrassment in this book, quite a lot. It was funny that way. You also might be interested in watching the movie, which was really nice.

I really hope that you might be able to enjoy these books the same way I did. I decided to make this post because I love getting people to read, they tell me that the books I give them makes their world more colorful.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sam's Infinite Playlist: Haywire Kids & Post

Being a new Freshman, I realized a few things.
I'd really rather not grow up. And that's rather immature of me to say that, but it's the truth. The world we live in is a big, big, place. Bigger than we'll ever really know, really, and growing up to me means that I'm going to have to face all those great challenges adults complain about every so often. People my age usually complain about how they don't want to grow up, yet they act as if they're trying to run away from their childhood as fast as they can. It's ridiculous, honestly. I'm only thirteen, and I still have so much things to learn and experience. But I'm savoring every moment I have, or at least, I try to. Though, I'm still waiting for Peter Pan to whisk me away to Neverland. But one day, I'm going to wake-up and realize that I have grown-up, and when it happens, I want to make sure that when I realize it, I'd smile, and think "My childhood was great."

2. Mermaid - The Blue Sky Project (No lyrics, I'd consider this the 
theme song of my childhood, it makes me happy.)

I discovered number two years ago when I was about 9, and I fell in love with it. I've forgotten about it until I came across it in my favorites this year.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Summer for the books.

Let's start with this, obviously, I'm going to have to explain and give the reasons to my absence and failure to update this blog. And answer the question "Where have you been?"
It's currently the 9th of June, a day before school starts and obviously  it's the last day of my summer vacation. What have I been doing this whole summer? I don't think that there are enough words for me to sum them up but lets just say that my summer has been really BUSY. But most importantly, this summer has  been tremendously, gigantically fun.