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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Award: Liebster Award

Two days ago, I was nominated for the "Liebster Award" by the sweet Gia from "Okay, Gia."
I was honestly down-right flattered that she had nominated me, her blog is just wonderful. This was a nice surprise as this is the first reward I've received for my blog.

What is your all-time favourite song?
All time? Gee, this is a pretty hard question, but I've always loved Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley.

What are your top 3 pick-me-up songs?

1. Better When We're Together - Jack Johnson

2. The Bird And The Worm - Owl City

3. Three Little Birds - Bob Marley

(While I was looking through my iPod for my fav pick-me-up songs, I realized how much of a sadist I am oh man.)

What's your ultimate comfort food?
Mcdonald's. Period.

Talk about the best dream you ever had. 
One time, two days after I finished reading "Anna and the French Kiss" I had a dream that I went to Paris and it was such a pretty dream. I went to a lot of places in the book and I remember going to a bay-side thing. I don't remember much of the dream anymore, though.

What's your most fondest memory?
We have a house in Baguio because my mom grew up there and I remember this one time my whole family and my cousins went up, and during the night we lit the fire place inside the house and lit a bonfire outside and we just watched the stars  which are always seen so clearly in Baguio and talked and made 'Smores' and melted marshmallows and it was such a cold night which made it even better.

What do you normally do on a rainy day?
I really, dearly, immensely love rainy days. Usually, I watch a movie and drink some tea. If not, I play the piano or listen to music.

What's usually the first thing you think of when you wake up?
"I'm hungry." (And I pray of course.)

What's your computer's wallpaper?
.......This only shows how big a geek I am.

Name one thing you're thankful for today.
The amazing Mcdonald's delivery guy.

What are you thinking of at this exact moment?
I'm currently writing letters to people. So, "What can I say to make them happy?"

I nominate:

My questions:
1) What is your favorite day of the week and why?
2) Describe your music taste.
3) Favorite breakfast food?
4) Books or Movies? Why?
5) Rainy or Hot days?
6) Give three songs you love but would be too embarrassed to sing?
7) Describe your 7th birthday.
8) Describe your favorite Christmas day.
9) Any memories you know you'd never forget? Why?
10) Describe what you're feeling right now with a book title.


  1. Thank you SO SO much sam! this means a lot :)

  2. I enjoyed reading this, haha! I loooove rainy days as well. :)
