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Friday, October 5, 2012

The Phantom of the Opera.

Okay, can I just say, that I am not. Not exaggerating when I say The Phantom of the Opera was the best musical I have ever seen (well maybe a bit) . And I know you'd think I haven't seen a lot of plays but I've literally been brought up with this kind of music. (For Example I've been listening to these since I was a little kid: Les Miserables, Wicked, Cats, Joseph and the Technicolored dream coat, Jekyll and Hyde, Mama Mia, etc.) The performance I saw was so much better than the other ones I've seen on Youtube, or maybe its just better because I saw it live. Everything about it made the whole thing just amazing, the set, the props, the costumes, the acting, the SINGING. 
Claire Lyon was amazing. Jonathan Roxmouth was amazing. 
I found myself crying when it ended. I just didn't want it to end. You'd find yourself so heartbroken and in pain for the Phantom when Christine Daae leaves him. I just can't explain how it was, it was mind-blowing.

The amazing Claire Lyon played Christine Daae. She was just perfect absolutely perfect, I found myself singing along to Think Of Me. She reached the freaking high-notes that I still can't (but I am trying.) If you don't get why I am making such a big deal out of the high-notes then you probably have never listened to the songs. So I am asking you nicely to listen to it. Right now.

I just want to talk about Claire right now. So yeah. Oh man, everything was just perfect (cries and sobs into pillow.) My Favorite scene was probably the part where the Phantom brings Christine  into the his lair. Here's the Link to that part if you're wondering how it was

So lastly, I'm encouraging you to watch it live while they are still here. You're really going to regret not buying tickets. (I bought tickets again oops.)

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